This post base and wall mount bracket allows you to anchor your project to a solid foundation, or add support to attach your structure to a wall. You have the ability to adjust the height/depth of your post using the mounting holes in the bracket. Raise the post off the ground, or extend it away from the wall. The base plate flange has four oversized holes that enable you to secure your pergola to concrete, a deck, or any other surface you choose.
- Overall Height 9-1/4"
- Sized to fit over a standard 6x6 and completely surround the post (Standard 6x6 5.5" x 5.5"). Interior dimensions 5.62" x 5.62"
- Base plate width 8" x 8"
- Finished in Ultraviolet (UV) resistant - baked on powder coating - rated for outdoor use
- 12 gauge steel laser cut, bent and welded
- 1/4" Holes for securing post in bracket
- 1/2" holes in base
Other 6" post brackets we offer:
90 Degree Angle Bracket - use where you want to add an inside corner or for strength.
Outside Corner Brackets - bent at a 90 degree angle to fit over 6 x 6 post. (The holes for the legs are offset so you don't have to worry about hitting any of the other installed bolts!)
Straight Bracket - This straight bracket is great for not only helping to support your wood projects, but also adding a decorative touch as well.
Flat T brackets – Add strength to a joint, or adjoin other parts to your design.
Flat L brackets - Flat like the T, but without the additional leg.
X Brackets - Can be used to cross multiple pieces to add strength, or for a nice decorative finish.
Octagon Brackets - 45° Internal and 135° External Angle Brackets
Hexagon Brackets - 60° Internal and 120° External Angle Brackets
Please note that you need to consult an Engineer if you want to know load calculations for your beams and ties. As a general rule 12 gauge is close to 1/8" steel and will add more rigidity and is suitable for most projects. Again we offer no structural guarantee for load bearing purposes, Please consult a Professional Engineer to perform calculations if required.
Materials: Metal